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Overcoming Fear of the Dentist with Sedation Dentistry

shutterstock_143055601If you have fears and anxieties at the thought of dental treatment, you are not alone. In fact, it’s estimated that as much as 50 percent of Americans have dental phobias – and that is a large factor in why patients put off necessary dental care. For patients who are healthy enough to receive it, sedation dentistry can be a great way to provide care for those with dental anxiety.

Here at Preferred Family Dental, we offer a variety of advanced sedation dentistry techniques to help patients feel more relaxed and at ease during dental treatment. These techniques include options designed for patients who suffer from virtually any level of anxiety, whether it’s just mild nervousness or a severe fear of dentists, dental instruments, or the sounds and tastes of dental treatment. All of these treatments have proven effective with helping patients to enjoy a more comfortable, and even pleasant, treatment experience.

Here’s a breakdown of our sedation dentistry options and what they can do:

  • IV Moderate Conscious Sedation – This can greatly help to minimize anxiety for patients undergoing extensive procedures such as wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, or other treatments requiring extensive surgery.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation – This technique is often beneficial for patients with moderate to severe dental anxiety. It does not involve needles – only a pill taken before the procedure that puts you in an extreme state of relaxation. You will not be fully asleep, but you will be very relaxed, and you may not even remember the procedure taking place once it’s finished.
  • Nitrous Oxide – Often referred to as “laughing gas,” this method is typically beneficial for those with milder levels of dental fears. Breathed in through the nose, it takes only about 20 seconds for patients to feel more at ease.

Please don’t let dental anxiety prevent you from getting dental care. It’s so important to take care of your oral health before small problems get worse. With sedation dentistry, you should have nothing to fear!
Dr. Amar Mistry

If you would like more information, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced dentists, please contact Preferred Family Dental today.

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